Something Special

Since I was a little, I’ve always had a love for music. When I was eight years old, I’d obsess over watching American Idol much past my bedtime. I’d sing at the top of my lungs Kelly Clarkson’s “Since You’ve Been Gone” on the karaoke machine I begged Santa to bring. I’d strum a guitar, without knowledge of any chords, and make up funny little songs. I’d watch my sister play piano and ask to sit in on her lessons until I eventually had my own.  This love for music has stayed with me, and has even heightened in high school. During my freshman year, I picked up a guitar and decided to learn. I decided that strumming crazily like I did when I was little wasn’t a good way to play music. I wanted to move on from piano into a whole new world of six strings instead of keys. My first guitar was a present for my fifteenth birthday, and I named him Max. My interest the instrument, and receiving Max, led to a frenzy of learning. I’d teach myself every chord, strumming pattern, and picking pattern, until I had it down. I constantly set goals for myself. I’d hear a song on the radio and say to myself, I really want to learn that riff, and then I’d go home and do it. With the help of multiple YouTube tutorials, I had acquired a skill that I could constantly work on and enjoy. I always have inspiration to play from watching in awe as my favorite artist’s fingers move up and down the neck of their guitar in such a graceful way, with such complicated chords. When I try to play it how he does, it isn’t as graceful but I practice every day until it is. Even though my fingers turn purple, I never stop going. It’s something I’m proud of. I love to express my creativity through different combinations of chords.

 As my love for guitar grew, so did my desire to see the people behind the songs I learned. Much to my wallet’s dismay, I began buying a ticket to any show I just had to see. From huge spectacles at Gillette Stadium, to intimate shows at the House of Blues, I was there. There is nothing I love more than seeing the voices that stream through my headphones in person. There’s something about experiencing your favorite songs live that’s truly indescribable. It’s times like these when I’m reminded everything is going to work out and I’m going end up where I’m supposed to be. I think to myself, all my favorite songs will always be here and my favorite artists will continue to make music and grow up with me. The excitement and the anticipation I feel when the lights go out is one of the greatest feelings.  As I squeeze my best friend’s hand and watch in amazement as the faces on my bedroom wall come to life, I am reminded of how much a truly love music. How this moment is one of my most beloved ones, the ones I will tell my kids about and write about in my journal. The musician Ed Sheeran once said “Music is a powerful tool in galvanizing people around an issue. There’s no better way to get your point across than to put it in a beautiful song”, and I thoroughly believe in that. Music makes people feel and makes memories, but also gets messages across in a beautiful way. I believe music is important, and everything the notes make us feel is important, so I’ll play on.

