
who we are

two small town girls figuring out life in the big city

 sox hat or princess crown, ripped jeans or flowing dresses, there's no in-between. forever a fangirl at heart. i discovered my love of writing as a second grader on a plane ride to california, and i havent stopped loving it since. born and raised a boston girl. i drop my ‘r’s sometimes, say ‘wicked’ far too often, and live off of dunks. 

if you like books or boy bands, we’re bound to be best friends.


I drink too much coffee, stay up too late and love music and the city with all my heart. I go on a lot of drives and I love ending up in random places. My concert going is never ending, and neither is my love for bands. I write whatever comes into my head; song lyrics, poetry, etc. 

Ive got too much going on in my head to not write it down, welcome to my 3am thoughts
